Is the Liturgical Broadcasting Apostolate of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. Beginning with a small camcorder in Sarasota Florida for the benefit of our infirm parishioners, it has grown to several parishes around the world and many many viewers, making the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass available anywhere, anytime.
It has an accompanying app, iMass, which is available on the App Store and Google Play. With this app you can view the Mass on your phone or tablet, or also make use of the missal, the breviary, the Rituale Romanum and now a map which we are constantly updating of all the approved Latin Mass locations worldwide.
Difficulties viewing the broadcast
If you are having difficulties viewing the broadcasts or the recorded Masses, feel free to reach out to our support email below. Most of the time there is something wrong with your internet connection or your browser.
We DO NOT recommend using the Chrome browser with Chrome has issues with HTTP streaming and blocks it, considering it "insecure". You can go to the site settings and enable insecure content and the videos should work fine. There is no need to be alarmed because of this insecure warning, the only time you enter any information into the site is on the donate popup window, and that donate section is secure.
Availability of Daily and Sunday Mass
The daily or Sunday Mass from each location is not available immediately after the broadcast. The file needs to be sent to the server, and then the server needs to be rebooted. Because the server cannot be rebooted during the broadcast from another location, we need to wait, sometimes a few hours, before the recorded daily Mass is available.
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About LiveMass