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An attractive yet simple missalette designed to help you assist and familiarize yourself with Holy Mass in the Traditional Extraordinary Form. It's format is unique: in the center of the page are the texts of the Mass in both Latin and English. In the left margin is a continuous explanation of the Mass which you can read as the Mass progresses. In the right margin is a continuous devotional method of attending Mass, an age-old yet lost custom of prayers written for the laity to unite themselves to the Mass that is being celebrated.
An app for your iPhone, iPad or Android device for viewing the broadcasts of LiveMass, as also the breviary, missal, Rituale Romanum and now with the iMass Map.
Light a Candle

LiveMass Store
A booklet to follow the Rite of Baptism for Infants in the Extraordinary Form (1962) with both English and Spanish translations. It also includes the Consecration of a child to Our Lady and an explanation of the Sacrament in both languages.

Everything a sacristan needs to know and what every sacristy needs, to celebrate Mass and liturgies according to the Extraordinary Form. Complete with, well, everything!
Un misalito diseñado para ayudarle a asistir y familiarizarse con la Santa Misa en su Forma Tradicional Extraordinaria. Su formato es especial: en el centro de la página están los textos de la Misa tanto en latín como en español. En el margen izquierdo hay una explicación continua de la Misa que puede leer a medida que avanza la Misa. En el margen derecho hay un método devocional continuo para asistir a la Misa, una costumbre antigua pero perdida de oraciones escritas para que los laicos se unan a la Misa que se está celebrando.
The Liber Usualis for your iPhone or iPad.