Missalete to Follow Mass
in the Extraordinary Form
It's not a reprint, not a photocopy, not retypeset - this new missalette is a fine intoduction to the Latin Extraordinary Form Mass that will leave an impression on its reader - or the visitors to your Latin Mass location.
An attractive yet simple missalette designed to help you assist and familiarize yourself with Holy Mass in the Traditional Extraordinary Form.
It's format is unique. It follows the medieval manuscript format of having glossed notes in the margins.
In the center of the page are the texts of the Mass in both Latin and English.
Around the left margin is a continuous explanation of the Mass which you can read as the Mass progresses.
Around the right margin is a continuous devotional method of attending Mass. Before the translations of the Ordinary of the Mass were made availavble, it was cutomary for the laity to pray prayers written specifically for them to unite themselves to the Mass, rather than praying the exact same prayers as the priest. This is a legitimate manner of assisting at Mass, which unfortuantely in our day has been lost - until now.
This little missalette hopes to reintroduce this ancient manner of assisiting at Holy Mass.
This beautiful little booklet was created by the creator of LiveMass.net. It has received an imprimatur from the Archbishop of Los Angeles.
This is yet another tiny step to spread the Mass of the Ages throughout the world.
The missalette is available on Lulu and Amazon.
The Amazon booklet is of slightly better quality, priced at $12.75
The Lulu booklet is discounted, at $8.92
Lulu gives greater discounts according to the quantity you wish to purchase, so this is a better option for parishes or those wanting several copies.
Look for it also on the Kindle Store!